Advising Students
For the majority of non-English speaking students, the greatest challenge that they face in school is accessing the subject learning that is critical for their educational achievement.
This website is intended to support teachers in making subject learning more accessible to their students. Therefore it is presented by subject and topic.
The organisation of the units allows students, in turn, to organise their learning so that they can draw the best possible benefit from it.
- Students should bring the relevant textbooks to language support class.
- Students are encouraged to get a personal ring binder exclusively for their English language learning and divide it according to the subjects they are learning in the mainstream.
- When introducing a new unit (topic) distribute:
- Keyword list
- Learning Record
- Vocabulary File
- Students should:
- Use the Keyword List for reference when working on this unit
- Record their progress through the unit on the Learning File
- Gradually develop the Vocabulary File and, in addition, a personal dictionary with different categories of vocabulary.
Record of Learning - Junior Cert
Record of Learning - Leaving Cert
The Record of Learning is to be handed out with each Language Support Activity Unit. Students use this checklist to monitor their
own work and to promote a feeling of progression. Students chose which box to tick/date according to how capable they feel:
* if you can do this with a lot of help (e.g. from your teacher) date the first box;
** if you can do it with a little help date the second box;
*** if you can do it on your own date the last box.
We have also provided a Record of Self-study for students and you should bring it to your students’ attention
Record of Self-study
- Any other work produced for this unit should be filed after these.
- Students should be encouraged to refer to their files when in mainstream learning or when doing homework.
The following prompts are provided throughout the units to remind students.
Get your teacher to
check this, then file it in your folder so you can use it in the future.

Check that all
the keywords you used are in your personal dictionary.